The Green European Journal is the Journal of the Green European Foundation. It was launched at the start of 2012 which the objective of providing a space for discussion within the European Green movement, and as a means of engaging the public in the wider debate about the future direction of Europe. It is published on a quarterly basis, but the “latest articles” section will be updated on a more regular basis, with topical articles on issues central to the debate within the Green movement and about Europe.
While the Journal is funded by the Green European Foundation (who you can learn more about here), the Journal is editorially independent. Its Editorial Board, led by its Editor-in-Chief, makes all decisions relating to themes and contents. However, the Journal shares the Foundation’s goal of creating a closer European Green family and to create a public space to discuss issues important to the Greens and Europe.
In the initial stages following its launch in February 2012, the Journal will be available primarily in English. However, as this project develops, its articles will become available in an increasing number of languages.
We hope that you find this Journal to be a stimulating and useful resource. Its success is dependent on engagement with the wider public, so we hope that you take the time to read the articles, comment on them, and share them with you friends, family and colleagues.